
Inspired by the Zulu concept of “uBuntu”, Job@uBuntu wants to underline the importance of the link between the people and communities that coexist in Brussels.

Our concept and methodology are not limited to a single community, but can be applied to others. The term uBuntu implies “without the other I am nothing” or “I exist only through others, and together we are one”. Within this vision, it is everyone’s responsibility to put his or her talents and abilities at the service of the community. There is no competition nor exclusion. Instead, the focus is on complementarity, community, solidarity and the search for a win-win situation.

Job@uBuntu is a project carried out with the support of the Brussels-Capital Region and the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (Europees Fonds voor Asiel, Migratie en Integratie, AMIF) of ESF (Europees Sociaal Fonds) Flanders.